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so....here we are.

I can't imagine it can you?

Victor, I love you. It's not right for me here without you. I'll stay...but it's not going to be ok.

I've read or re read all your letters from when I was in the hospital for so long. And you always tried to get me to take better care of myself. But you wouldn't take care of yourself.

Now I am here without you. So yes, maybe I am a little upset with you.

But it wont last honey, it never did. My love lasted. The insanity that was us lasted.

I love you Victor.


missing you so much honey. the kids are here. maybe you know how things are going here. isn't it strange. some sick irony isn't it.

I hope you are finding peace Victor. I miss you every day. I love you.

I love you sweetness.

Goodnight Victor


hi honey..yesterday was the first day of spring. it was horrid cold windy and rainy all day !!!

today is just the wind. and cold brrrrrrr.......gorgeous though. you would be standing on the back patio, smoking.

I love you honey. I miss you.


Good morning Sweetness

I've been keeping busy. I wonder where you are. I miss you and I love you always.



hello sweetheart,

I found your precious 'gift' today. I wonder when you did that, but I knew you did it after you 'knew'.

Thank you.

I love you always

全ての思い出: 32
ページ:: 7  « 2 3 4 5 6 7 »
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